Credit cards don’t just make it easier to shop, but also have a number of free benefits that many consumers you are not even aware of.
As long as you use your card responsibly and pay off your balance each month in full and on time.
You might even consider paying for more of your purchases at a credit card terminal.
When you pay with credit you are able to get help from your credit card company if you do not get what you paid for, find a lower price, change your mind or need some extra cash.
Charge Backs
If the company doesn’t come through on a product or service that you paid for and they won’t refund you, your credit card company might. This process is called a chargeback.
The credit card company will refund the money to you and then charges the cost to the business. You might have to meet some conditions in order to claim a chargeback.
Extended Return Policies
Retailers generally limit their returns to 30 days, but credit cards can extend this policy to 90 days.
Extended Warranties
Your credit card could extend your protection on a one-year warranty to two years.
Price Protection
If the retailer that you bought a product from doesn’t have a price drop policy, then you can recoup the savings that you missed out on directly from your credit card company.
Damage and Theft Protection
Your credit card could cover accidental damage or theft within a certain number of days after purchase.